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Memory: How To Develop, Train, And Use It (Paperback)

৳ 390

  • Page : 208 pages
  • Dimensions : 8 x 0.71 x 5.59 inches
  • Weight ‏ : ‎ 149 g
  • Language : English
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Memory: How To Develop, Train, And Use It (Paperback)

Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use It is a time-tested, comprehensive study of the concepts and principles of memory improvement, written by New Thought and self-improvement pioneer William Walker Atkinson. Presented in a straightforward manner in plain language, the text guides the reader through a study of the general concepts of memory improvement and the application of these doctrines. The systematic, straightforward style of Atkinson’s work makes the often abstract concepts accessible to all readers, as he explores topics like the subconscious retention of information, various systems for memorization, and the key roles of attention and association in the memory process.

About the Author

William W. Atkinson was one of the leaders of the New Thought movement. In his early career he practiced law in Pennsylvania, but the stress of this work led to a complete physical and mental breakdown, and financial disaster. He looked for healing and in the late 1880s he found it in the New Thought movement. This resulted in the restoration of his health, mental vigor and material prosperity. In 1900 he became associate editor of Suggestion, a New Thought journal, and wrote his first book, Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life. Later he became editor of New Thought magazine, and wrote many articles covering the precepts of the movement William Walker Atkinson was one of the truly greats of the New Thought Movement. His books have good examples of how Atkinson applied the principles of the New Thought Movement to the improvement of memory and the projection of thought from one person to another.

Product Details

  • Page : 208 pages
  • Dimensions : 8 x 0.71 x 5.59 inches
  • Publisher : Fingerprint! Publishing (1 June 2019); Prakash Books India Pvt Ltd.
  • Weight ‏ : ‎ 149 g
  • Language : English


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Memory: How To Develop, Train, And Use It (Paperback)
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